Vasectomy Clinic at QMC

Safe, Simple, and Reliable.

If you’re certain you’ve finished your family or don’t want kids, a vasectomy offers a permanent male contraceptive option. Compared to alternative contraception, a vasectomy is a permanent procedure that does not affect performance or hormones. We understand that choosing to undergo a vasectomy is a significant decision, and we're here to provide you with the information, expertise and to support your needs at every step.

  • Patient safety
  • 20+ years of medical excellence
  • Subsidised services


How it works

Our doctors and medical team are qualified professionals. Dr Milne Simpson has been performing vasectomies for 20+ years in the Whakatipu Basin.

Vasectomy Procedure

A vasectomy is a minor procedure performed at our Isle Street Clinic that provides permanent contraception and peace of mind. No stitches are needed. Your entire procedure will take no more than an hour, and then you will rest at home for the rest of the day and be back to work tomorrow.

The Consultation

You will have an pre procedure consultation with Dr Simpson. Dr Simpson will take his time to understand your specific circumstances, answer any questions you have, and provide you with a clear understanding of the vasectomy procedure. This consultation will include a thorough evaluation of your medical history to determine if vasectomy is the best option for you.  If you choose to go ahead, an appointment will be made for the vasectomy procedure at a later date that suits you.

Post Procedure Care

After your vasectomy, you'll receive detailed instructions on how to care for yourself during the recovery period. We'll cover topics such as managing any discomfort, when it's safe to resume normal activities, and what signs to watch for that might require medical attention.

Vasectomy Procedure

A vasectomy is a minor procedure performed at our Isle Street Clinic that provides permanent contraception and peace of mind. No stitches are needed. Your entire procedure will take no more than an hour, and then you will rest at home for the rest of the day and be back to work tomorrow.

The Consultation

You will have an pre procedure consultation with Dr Simpson. Dr Simpson will take his time to understand your specific circumstances, answer any questions you have, and provide you with a clear understanding of the vasectomy procedure. This consultation will include a thorough evaluation of your medical history to determine if vasectomy is the best option for you.  If you choose to go ahead, an appointment will be made for the vasectomy procedure at a later date that suits you.

Post Procedure Care

After your vasectomy, you'll receive detailed instructions on how to care for yourself during the recovery period. We'll cover topics such as managing any discomfort, when it's safe to resume normal activities, and what signs to watch for that might require medical attention.

The Process

Our doctors and medical team are qualified professionals. Dr Milne Simpson has been performing vasectomies for 20+ years in the Whakatipu Basin.

Booking request

Book an appointment with Dr. Simpson to explore the procedure, secure an appropriate date & time, and address any questions. A pre-payment will be processed during this phase.

The procedure

On the day of your appointment, please allocate approximately one hour. You will need to arrange for someone to accompany you and provide transportation after the procedure. We recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing and underwear for your comfort.

Follow up with home care

After your procedure, you'll be discharged to relax on your couch for the afternoon. Our team will contact you by phone to ensure you're doing well. After a two-month period, you'll be requested to provide a sperm sample for testing. Once Dr. Simpson confirms everything is in order, you'll receive the green light to move forward.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a permanent birth control for men which is safe and effective. The vas deferens – tubes carrying sperm from the testicles – are cut, stitched and sealed. Thus, sperm is blocked from being ejaculated in the semen, preventing conception. The procedure takes around 30 minutes.

Can a Vasectomy be Reversed?

Vasectomies should be considered permanent, but reversal may be possible depending on the state of the vas deferens tubes, fluid samples, and time elapsed since the vasectomy. In addition, reversals don’t always work and are very expensive, so you should be very sure that a vasectomy is the right choice for you before you have one.

How Effective is a Vasectomy?

Vasectomies are more than 99% effective. A vasectomy “fails” very rarely, and this occurs when the ends of the vas deferens reattach, allowing pregnancy. Only one to two women out of every 1,000 has reported a pregnancy in the first year after their partner had a vasectomy.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Recovery time varies, but usually, any pain or soreness fades after a few days. Physical activities like exercise and lifting heavy objects could be resumed after a week, although you should consult with your doctor to be sure. Minor swelling, sensitivity, or discomfort in the scrotum may continue for up to two weeks. You can go back to work in a few days. If your job involves strenuous physical activity, you may need to wait a little longer before returning to work.

Does a Vasectomy Hurt?

The procedure is conducted under local anaesthesia so you should feel very little if any pain. You may feel a sensation of pulling in your scrotum. Post-procedure, there may be some swelling, bruising and mild discomfort for up to a week.

What happens during a vasectomy

In a vasectomy, the doctor cuts the vas deferens tubes and blocks them off so that your semen will no longer contain sperm. Each testicle has one vas deferens tube and both are cut and blocked off.

There are two types of vasectomy procedures: the standard method and the “no-scalpel” method. In the standard method, the doctor makes one or two small incisions in the scrotum to get access to the vas deferens. In the no-scalpel method, the doctor makes a small puncture in the scrotum and then pulls the vas deferens through the opening to perform the procedure.

The puncture is so small that no stitches are required. At Queenstown Medical Centre we use the no scalpel method. In both methods, the doctor cuts the vas deferens and then closes the ends with stitches or clips. The doctor may also put a small portion of your own tissue between the two closed- off ends to block them completely.

Are There Risks or Complications?

A vasectomy is a very low-risk procedure. Common, minor side effects include swelling, bruising or bleeding in the scrotum, bloody semen, or infection at the site of the incision.

Sometimes the vas deferens leak sperm that forms lumps called granuloma, which may require medication or surgery.

There is no increased risk of prostate or testicular cancer after a vasectomy.

Does Insurance Cover Vasectomies?

Vasectomies are often covered by health insurance. Check with your insurance company first.

Does a Vasectomy Affect Ejaculate?

Semen consists of sperm, and fluid from the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Sperm makes up only 2 to 5 percent of the ejaculate. A vasectomy is performed only on the vas deferens, not the seminal vesicles or prostate, so sperm is the only thing missing from the ejaculate. Removing sperm has little or no effect on ejaculate volume, appearance, colour, or consistency.

What are the Advantages of a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy has many advantages:

- It offers lifelong protection for a one-time procedure.

- It is safe, simple, and quick.

- It has few risks and side effects.

- It saves money, as other repetitive birth control won’t be needed.

And the Reasons Against a Vasectomy?

The main reason against having a vasectomy is if you are unsure about having children in the future.

A vasectomy may not be a good idea for men who have:

- A history of bleeding or blood disorders

- Allergies or sensitivities to anesthetics (such as lidocaine or novocaine) or antibiotics

- Skin conditions of the scrotum

- Had past injury or surgery on the genitals

- Recent or repeat urinary tract or genital infections

When Can Sexual Activity be Resumed?

Sexual activity may be resumed when the swelling and tenderness in the scrotum reduces – usually within a week.  However as mentioned you will remain fertile and will need to use birth control until you get the all clear from the semen sample.

Will a Vasectomy Affect My Sex Life?

No. After vasectomy, you will look and feel the same as before, aside from some minor bruising and swelling. You’ll still ejaculate semen as you always have.

Eventually, the semen won’t have sperm in it, but you won’t be able to notice a difference. No sex organs are removed or altered during a vasectomy, and the body continues producing male hormones after a vasectomy.

Some men have reported an improved sex life after the procedure because the fear of pregnancy is no longer present during sex. It’s also important to know that a vasectomy does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you’re concerned about getting or spreading STDs, you’ll still need to wear a condom during sex.

Are Vasectomies Immediately Effective?

Vasectomies are not immediately effective. Sperm may remain in the tubes and be carried out in the ejaculate. It may take a few months and 15-20 ejaculations before that sperm is completely ejected or reabsorbed into the body. During this time, you will remain fertile. Alternate methods of birth control are necessary. You’ll need to submit a semen sample for testing to a lab 10 to 12 weeks after the vasectomy procedure to check that it no longer contains sperm.

Vasectomy Clinic


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Locations Offering

Vasectomy Clinic


At QMC we offer personalised care to our enrolled, casual patients or visitors travelling through Queenstown. You don’t have to be enrolled to visit us. View our practice locations below.

Isle Street

As our Isle Street practice is our biggest centre, our healthcare providers work in two general practice teams to provide our enrolled and regular casual patients with a higher standard of healthcare. These teams comprise of GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants...

Isle Street

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Open 365 days a year, our After Hours & Urgent Care is available to assist patients with an illness or injury that does not appear to be life threatening.

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